Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Megan McEnery she/they Poster Session 3: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm/ Poster #338



My name is Megan McEnery, I am a second-year Junior majoring in Political Science and Interdisciplinary Social Science with a minor in International Affairs. I am from Tampa, Florida and a graduate of the International Baccalaureate Program. My research interests include immigration and foreign policy. I enjoy learning about immigration and foreign policy because these topics are becoming increasingly important to our daily lives due to globalization. It is important that everyone has basic knowledge of these topics so they can understand the conversations happening around them by legislators and individuals with power and influence. After graduating from Florida State, I plan to attend law school and then obtain my Doctorate. I plan to specialize in immigration and family law and help individuals obtain their own voice to fight back against an unfair system.

Issues of Fragmentation & Wickedness of DACA Policy

Authors: Megan McEnery, Radha
Student Major: Political Science, Interdisciplinary Social Science
Mentor: Radha
Mentor's Department: Interdisciplinary Social Science
Mentor's College: Modi


During the Obama administration, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was introduced as an Executive Order to provide a temporary solution to allow children who were brought to the US by their parents, relief from worrying about being deported. DACA allows certain individuals who came to the United States as children, and who meet several guidelines, to request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years that can be renewed.

Currently, DACA is being argued within the judicial branch over whether it violates the Administrative Procedures Act (Press, 2022). It will eventually fall upon the Supreme Court to make a decision and depending on their decision DACA could either be protected or rescinded.

DACA is a policy that arose to solve specific market failures; market abuse and negative externalities. The major debates surrounding DACA influence all major stakeholders; politicians, DACA recipients, states, and employers. There are unintended negative consequences that end up affecting undocumented individuals of all identities. Therefore, while DACA is an important policy that would be irresponsible to eliminate entirely, a more permanent policy needs to be created in order to account for uncertainty.


Keywords: DACA, Wickedness, Fragmentation, Intersectionality, Undocumented