Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Connor O'Donnell he/him Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #101



I’m a Florida native from St. Petersburg with a special interest in wildlife biology. Through my research, I learned a lot about the field of animal behavior specifically sexual selection and the wide range of factors that influence this process in Lance-Tailed Manakins. In the future I envision myself studying animal behavior further in other systems and ultimately helping with research that will inform conservation policy and management. Additionally, I envision myself applying the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired to study Marine Megafauna, do fieldwork in biodiverse regions such as Central and South America, and help to educate the general public.

Female Lance-Tailed Manakin Behaviors: Bill Swipes and Copulation Solicitation Displays

Authors: Connor O'Donnell, Pearl Rivers
Student Major: Biological Sciences
Mentor: Pearl Rivers
Mentor's Department: Biological Sciences
Mentor's College: College of Arts & Sciences


Courtship displays are a behavior exhibited by males of many species to
attract females. Studies on passerine birds such as the Brown Headed
Cowbird have utilized a behavior known as copulation solicitation displays
(CSDs) to study female interest in specific courtship stimuli (O’Loghlen et. al.
2012). To investigate whether female interest in male courtship displays
predicts their likelihood of copulating with the male, I recorded copulation
solicitation displays by female lance-tailed manakins. The aim of this study
was to test whether copulation solicitation displays predict successful
copulations. We found that copulation solicitation displays were rare in this
system but most copulations are preceded by copulation solicitation
displays. This project helps us to better understand how female lance-tailed
manakins communicate with male lance-tailed manakins during courtship

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Keywords: animal behavior, mate choice, sexual selection, ecology