Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Ryan Henderson Poster Session 4: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Poster #129

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My name is Ryan Henderson. I was born in a town right outside of Atlanta. I moved to St. Petersburg when I was young, and I've lived there since. I enjoy playing chess, debating politics, and travelling. I am extremely interested in law, and I'm working an internship in Atlanta this summer. My research project is on the effects of federal preemption on local or state government.

Concede or Resist? Experimental Evidence of U.S. Local Officials

Authors: Ryan Henderson, Alexandra Artiles
Student Major: Political Science
Mentor: Alexandra Artiles
Mentor's Department: Political Science
Mentor's College: FSU
Co-Presenters: Sarah Toole


Do local officials oppose and resist preemption at higher rates when an out-party governor does it? Contact information and demographics of local officials throughout the U.S. were collected using spreadsheet software. Results confirm that local officials are generally opposed to preemption but are substantially more opposed to preemption when they learn that an out-party governor is in office than when there is a same-party governor in office. Moreover, local officials are more willing to take action to resist preemption – including legal action, refusing to comply, initiating a resolution, and advocating for more autonomy – when they learn that an out-party governor is preempting them. Opposition and resistance were especially pronounced among Democratic local officials who learned a Republican governor was preempting them. Results from the survey have important implications for how local and state governments interact with one another and represent their constituents.

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Keywords: Preemption, political science, local government, state government, federal government