Research Symposium

23rd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 6, 2023

Kyle Lam Poster Session 3: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm/ Poster #206



Hello! My name is Kyle Lam and I am a first-year student from Chicago, Illinois majoring in statistics and actuarial science with plans on pursuing a career as an actuary.

Price Variations in Health Insurance Marketplaces

Authors: Kyle Lam, Dr. Patricia Born
Student Major: Statistics and Actuarial Science
Mentor: Dr. Patricia Born
Mentor's Department: Department of Risk Management/Insurance
Mentor's College: College of Business


Pricing for health insurance plans vary based on numerous factors including age of the beneficiary, location, unique insurers/total number of plans offered in the area, and plan type. In this project, we investigated price variations and potential correlations between insurance plans offered in state marketplaces for twenty-seven year olds. This specific age was chosen for analyses as at twenty-seven, most dependents have been released from their parents’ insurance plans.


Keywords: Statistics, Insurance, Data