Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Isabella Eaton she/her/hers Poster Session 1: 9:00 - 9:45/Poster #32



Hi my name is Isabella Eaton. I am a freshman from Orlando, FL, apart of the FSU Presidential Scholars Class of '25. I have an ultimate career goal of becoming a Pediatric Doctor Without Borders.

Literature Review – Vascular and Metabolic Function

Authors: Isabella Eaton, Dr. Robert Hickner
Student Major: biological sciences
Mentor: Dr. Robert Hickner
Mentor's Department: Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology
Mentor's College: College of Health and Human Sciences
Co-Presenters: Ashley Holland,Riley Hart, Giovanna Cross


Endothelial function is the description how endothelial cells, lining the inside of vessels and arteries, function to create dilation or contraction with blood flow. A study to test this will specifically try and find relation between endothelial function due to exercise performance. Using ultrasounds to perform experiments, as well as other laboratory equipment are the main ways to collect data from the sounds waves and thus analyze it in terms of endothelial and vascular function. This could ultimately allow furthering into conclusions about why exercise can aid the human body’s overall health. Overall, in this poster, we will be highlighting different literary sources in order to further explain the testing and research done on these topics.

Keywords: Nox Protein, lipolysis, micro-dialysis