Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Isabella Ensign she/they Poster Session 7: 3:30 - 4:15/Poster #42



Isabella Ensign is a first-year FSU student studying Environment and Society on a Pre-Law track. In the past, she has completed research on gun violence and safety precautions in public schools in America. She is also Deputy News Editor of the FSView and President of Students Demand Action at FSU, and in her free time, likes spending time with her cat, Tucker.

Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in America: Building a Database of Transgender Homicides

Authors: Isabella Ensign, Dr. Brendan Lantz
Student Major: Environment and Society
Mentor: Dr. Brendan Lantz
Mentor's Department: Criminal Justice
Mentor's College: College of Criminology
Co-Presenters: Danielle Basdekis, Hannah Fulk


Violence against the transgender community is a serious social issue, and researchers argue that anti-transgender homicide is an increasingly violent epidemic that proves transphobia is still prominent and dangerous in American society. Addressing this violence requires understanding anti-transgender bias, yet a comprehensive database on victims of anti-transgender violence does not currently exist. Therefore, our research team has been working to create such a database of all known anti-transgender homicides in the United States between 2015 and 2020. Once completed, the comprehensive database will be used to examine (a) broad patterns in incidents over time and (b) individual, situational, and contextual features of fatal violence directed at the transgender population. Preliminary results from these data collection efforts as well as the narratives of transgender people lost to this form of violence will be presented.​

Keywords: Transgender, Violence, Anti-Transgender