Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Rian Covington Poster Session 4: 12:30 - 1:15/Poster #6

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My name is Rian and I am from Jacksonville, Florida. I am majoring in Biology because of my interests in science and medicine. I am currently involved in of a social science project because I am passionate about problems regarding humanity, but I also take on research dealing with hard sciences in a lab.. What piques my interest the most is molecular and cell biology. Eventually, I hope to become a medical doctor doing what I love to help people who can't help themselves.

Perceptions of Place: Black Students at Florida State University

Authors: Rian Covington, Shantel Buggs
Student Major: Biological Sciences
Mentor: Shantel Buggs
Mentor's Department: Sociology
Mentor's College: College of Social Science and Public Policy
Co-Presenters: Meldrina Jeantinor


The purpose of this research project is to try to understand the effects
of African American students at Florida State University. The way
we would be collecting data is through interviews of African
American students on campus. At the beginning of this research
study, we were tasked to recruit students and ask for the emails of
those students on campus that we knew or were comfortable with
asking questions. We have not
completely got into our research but this semester we the research
assistants are supposed to be interviewing students in order for the
student to not feel primed to answer certain questions in a
certain way as opposed to if they were interviewed by our mentors.
We want the students in the study to feel as comfortable as possible
while they answer our interview questions to ensure the answers they
give are totally up to them. We expect that a lot of students will feel
uncomfortable on campus but there are certain groups that they may
be involved in that allow them to experience That sense of

Keywords: Black Student Union