Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Jack Folwell he/him Poster Session 1: 9:00-9:45/Poster #58

Jack Folwell 2020 B&W close up (1).jpg


Jack Folwell is a first-year Presidential Scholar in the College of Arts and Sciences, seeking a BS in Physics. He also intends to obtain a double major in political science. He is involved in the Honors Student Association, TEDxFSU, Phi Eta Sigma, the Student Government Association, and the Society of Physics Students. He is hoping to work in government scientific advising in the future, and other research interests include how scientific information spreads and how we as a society can stop it.

Information Literacy Skills and Beliefs

Authors: Jack Folwell, Vanessa Dennen
Student Major: Physics and Political Science
Mentor: Vanessa Dennen
Mentor's Department: Educational Psychology & Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education


This project is primarily concerned with exploring how pre-existing beliefs, knowledge, and philosophies can influence how one receives and reacts to new information they read on the internet. One’s background shapes how they discern between falsified and legitimate information, as well as what they do with this information. This project is a systematic literature review of research on literacies related to online information searching and consumption. A search of academic databases yielded 497 articles across various academic terms, such as “information literacy”, “media literacy”, “internet literacy”, among others. Articles were screened for relevance and to ensure they represent empirical research. Relevant are being coded to identify trends across literacy frameworks. Through this systematic review, we can see similarities and gaps. The gaps will be used to identify opportunities for better articulating knowledge and skills related to networked knowledge access and use.

Keywords: Media Literacy, Internet, Literacy, Social Media