Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Lily Johnson She/Her Poster Session 5: 1:30-2:15/Poster #36



My name is Lily Johnson, and I am a sophomore at Florida State University. I am from Sarasota, Florida. I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in human resource management, and I hope to gain a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management following that.

Communication of STEM to Diverse Stakeholders

Authors: Lily Johnson, Will Hill
Student Major: Human Resource Management
Mentor: Will Hill
Mentor's Department: RIDER
Mentor's College: College of Engineering


Communication of STEM to diverse stakeholders is a versatile necessity within the engineering field due to its complex nature and wide variety of audiences. This study explores the various stakeholder audiences and how communication is most effectively generated, communicated, and received to its respective communities. In closer detail, this study will research the following stakeholders: researchers, students, politicians, and community members. The study will investigate the various mediums that can be utilized to present difficult STEM jargon and news. These mediums will be studied through the advertisement of the RIDER program. This research is vital to society, specifically in the engineering community, because of the disconnect between the technicality of the work engineering projects possess and the general population’s awareness, comprehension, and support of those projects.
Key Words: Stakeholders, community engagement, communication mediums

Keywords: STEM, Stakeholders, Communication