Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Nathalie Saravia she/her Poster Session 5: 1:30-2:15/Poster #5



My name is Nathalie Saravia. I am a junior at Florida State University majoring in Criminology with a minor in Psychology. I am from Miami, Florida but I grew up in Houston, Texas. I plan on presenting my poster to help demonstrate how inclusivity as progressed within the retail marketing field in the past 20 years. I hope my research poster provides an insight as to how multiple brands have diversified in the past 20 years.

The Evolution of Makeup Advertisement in the Past 20 years.

Authors: Nathalie Saravia, Christie Hand
Student Major: Criminology
Mentor: Christie Hand
Mentor's Department: Retail Entrepreneurship
Mentor's College: Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship
Co-Presenters: N/A


Inclusivity has become the new normal within the beauty industry. For makeup brands specifically, the arrival of inclusivity on their advertisements and products have promoted substantial revenue and public support. The purpose of this research project is to differentiate the evolution of diversification and inclusivity with retail marketing consisting of beauty retailers and their products over the past 20 years. In this project, I used pictures taken of advertisement displays of beauty retail stores in various countries in the late 1990’s through early 2000’s and compared those pictures to present-day advertisements within beauty retail stores. These pictures can display how the advertisements and setups have changed in the span of 20 years. Since most brands started becoming inclusive in the past five years, this is a modern research topic that I was fascinated to learn more about. This research project is significant because it shows how minorities have been incorporated in advertisements that was once dominated by models that exhibited exceedingly Eurocentric features. It shows how advertisements commercialize their brand and products in order to cater to every consumer, not just those who possess Caucasian features. This change in advertising comes after an influx of Black-owned beauty brands arriving at many beauty stores across the world and public proposals to diversify the models used for campaign photoshoots. Ultimately, this research project can facilitate a new understanding of the importance of inclusivity and how it will affect various corporations on the way they advertise future products to consumers.

Keywords: Retail Marketing, Window Dressing, Makeup