Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Noah Hearing Poster Session 1: 9:00 - 9:45/Poster #18



I am a freshman from Tampa, Florida. I am interested in pursuing research in behavioral economics and am excited to have had the opportunity to research educational systems and learning. I hope to further my education at the Florida State Law School and engage in research regarding the connection between economics and law. I wish to pursue a legal career and work with companies to help solve business disputes. I play sports, fish, and work in the Sports Department at the WVFS 89.7 FM radio station in my free time.

Students and Informal Learning

Authors: Noah Hearing, Stacey Rutledge
Student Major: Economics
Mentor: Stacey Rutledge
Mentor's Department: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Mentor's College: Education
Co-Presenters: Zach Helms


As students shifted from being in the classrooms to learning from home, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they began to have more autonomy in the structure of their curriculum. An effect of this shift is an increase in social media use and informal learning. The project “Students, Social Media, and Schools,” led by Dr. Vanessa Dennen and Dr. Stacey Rutledge, focuses on social media in schools and students’ use of social media. This project focuses on the data collected from interviews of students who participated in informal learning as an effect of COVID-19. Students gain access to informal learning modes through many different social media platforms and social media works hand and, in addition, the skills acquired are promoted through social media. As the pandemic limited interaction between developing teens, it is crucial that these students do not become depressed. The interviews have shown that learning new skills or hobbies in the form of informal learning is effective in fostering balance of a teenager’s life. Research is still being conducted to form conclusions, as informal learning is just one piece of the large project. However, it is evident that students have found purpose, self-expression, and balance through informal learning.

Keywords: social media, schools, informal learning