Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ana Pereira they/them Poster Session 3: 11:00- 11:45/Poster #59



Ana Pereira is an Brazilian-American first-generation immigrant who was born and raised in Miami, Florida. Along with their passion for STEM, Ana is enthusiastic to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail, and organizational skills in their professional pursuits. This project has only furthered their desire to investigate global issues and seek innovative solutions throughout their career.

Alcohol Susceptibility as a Function of Circadian Rhythmicity in Drosophila and Mammalian Systems: A Review

Authors: Ana Pereira, Dr. Lisa C. Lyons
Student Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Dr. Lisa C. Lyons
Mentor's Department: Department of Biological Science
Mentor's College: College of Arts and Sciences


The circadian rhythm is responsible for aligning biochemical and behavior cycles within organisms, playing a significant role in systemizing metabolic activity, learning, and 24-hour sleep cycles across several species. Circadian systems within individuals are becoming disrupted at greater rates because of increased technology usage, irregular sleeping schedules, and the prevalence of shift work. Additionally, susceptibility to the effects of alcohol consumption is known to inflate in response to a misaligned internal clock. To further explore the correlation between alcohol sensitivity and sleep-wake cycles, there is an extensive use of Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus as models in experimental settings. Both specimens contribute different findings in better understanding how humans biochemically and behaviorally respond to manipulations of their sleep-wake cycle. Research in Drosophila mechanisms revolve around the investigation of behavior, regarded as a reliable enough system to potentially project findings onto larger mammalian organisms. The use of mammalian systems in research are often centered around short and long-term physiological responses to alcohol exposure, providing different insights into the significance of circadian stability. In comparing the versatile specifications and methodology utilized between Drosophila and mammalian systems, our understanding of the circadian rhythm and its interactions with the environment can be furthered.

Keywords: circadian rhythm, alcohol