Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Spencer White He/Him Poster Session 4: 12:30-1:15/Poster #1



I am from Monroe Township, New Jersey. This project has truly fascinated and inspired to be attempt to double major with a second in economics. Research has taught me how too critically think, and helped me adjust from a high school student to living on mo own as a college student. I hope to attend Law School after graduating from Florida State University.

Perceived Fairness in Performance Appraisal and Political Behaviors: A List Experiment of Employee’s Reaction to Performance Appraisals

Authors: Spencer White, Joohi Kim
Student Major: Political Science
Mentor: Joohi Kim
Mentor's Department: Askew School of Public Administration and Policy
Mentor's College: Doctoral Candidate at Florida State University


In managerial research studying, perceived fairness of performance appraisal is an important and widely studied. This study adds to that with how the perceived fairness of a performance appraisal impacts or motivates employees to participate in political behavior at their place of work. The definition for perceived fairness of a performance appraisal is to the extent to which the employees feel the overall process of performance appraisal to be fair, accurate, and valid(T. Kim & Holzer, 2016).This idea is not as studied to the extent of general perceived fairness, and will utilize that literature as a background to help find information. For this study the goal is to find out how the perception of fairness in the performance appraisal will impact the probability of an employee to engage in political behaviors in the workplace. This experiment wants to test two hypothesis which are, is an employee with a perception of an unfair performance appraisal more likely to engage in ingratiation and more likely to engage in exchanges of favors The experiment also wanted to test if people who perceived their review as fair would play dumb or be more likely to engage in scape goating

Keywords: Fairness, Perceived, and Appraisal