Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Karen Chantre Poster Session 7: 3:30-4:15/Poster #59

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I am a 3rd-year student hoping to gain research experience in psychology-based research or anything related to the psychology field although I am open to different subjects. My hometown is Fort Lauderdale but I moved to Tallahassee to study at Florida State University. My career goal is to graduate with my bachelor's degree in psychology and go on to study clinical psychology.

Impact of language facilitation training

Authors: Karen Chantre, Carla Wood
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Carla Wood
Mentor's Department: School of Communication Science and Disorders
Mentor's College: Communication and Information


The United States has a sizeable Latinx population who are learning the language, and because of a high population, there should be techniques that help improve literacy. The increase in demand for this population emphasizes the importance of speech-language pathologists researching options for finding a program and design that provides beneficial results. In this research project, we observe and code language facilitation methods being used in the video sessions between the trained undergraduate student and the children. The goal is to see how the training in implementing specific language facilitation techniques and the feedback being received affects the performance of the undergraduate students. As a result, by implementing these techniques speech-language pathologists in the future can implement these practices in their profession.

Keywords: language facilitation technique ,web-based