Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

David Garner Poster Session 5: 1:30 - 2:15/Poster #38



I am from Gainesville, FL. I am freshman in the FSU Honors program and I plan to study law. I enjoy working out and hanging out with friends.

Towards an AI-based Application to Support Lab Results Comprehension

Authors: David Garner, Zhe He
Student Major: Political Science
Mentor: Zhe He
Mentor's Department: Department of Computer Science
Mentor's College: College of Communication and Information
Co-Presenters: Madelyn Dupuis and Shawntah Thomas


Before starting this research project, a lot of research was conducted to determine the necessity of a uniform, simplistic e-health patient portal for patients suffering from acute and chronic diseases. Through research we have learned technology has been rapidly evolving in the 21st century, however, the ever increasing elderly population is falling farther and farther behind. This is a problem as health data is transitioning over to Electronic Health Record Systems. Through further research, we have discovered numerous additional variables that are affecting elderly patients and patients, in general, from obtaining and understanding their lab results. There are two main variables. First, hospitals across the US fluctuate in determining lab result interpretation. This can be due to multiple reasons but generally is due to a lack of uniform consistency amongst doctors and nurses, and this results in a variety of different conclusions of lab results and creates confusion amongst patients. Second, the majority of patients are not familiar with medical terms and explanations. This term is coined as health literacy. The effect of patients having low health literacy is a greater chance for patient misinterpretation of lab results and a lack of patient engagement in treatments. Both result in very serious negative health impacts. Through further research, we have identified that A.I. based-patient portals are an effective solution to bridging the gap between patients across the US receiving inconsistent treatments and having low health literacy. However, current patient portals need improvement and that’s where our project comes into play.

Keywords: Application for Lab Results Comprehension