Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

sophia Pfitzenmaier she/her Poster Session 6: 2:30 - 3:15/Poster #36



My name is Sophia Pfitzenmaier, I am a native of Florida from Pembroke pines. Currently this year I am a sophomore Dance major here at Florida State University. The research project I have been working on is about the minority representation of women and different ethnicities show on and off the dance and theatre stages. I am a huge supporter for arts advocacy, especially gender roles inside dance and theatre communities. Women are normally the dancers whereas the males are normally the ones that call the shots "behind the table" as the choreographer, producer, and director. women are just as capable of creating great work, they do but often go uncredited. This is one of the many reasons I plan to one day make a career advocating for gender equity and access the arts.

Behind the table

Authors: sophia Pfitzenmaier, Calypso Haddad
Student Major: dance
Mentor: Calypso Haddad
Mentor's Department: dance
Mentor's College: college of fine arts
Co-Presenters: Jasmine Burelsmith


Musical theatre, specifically broadway dance, has emerged from a problematic past. Thus, this research questions what broadway dance is and how collaborators receive credit for their contributions. These concepts are explored creatively through a choreographic work that brings to light the frustrations of those in front of the table. Historically, white males have been the lead creatives, driving a theatrical production from behind the table. Therefore, this work illuminates the intricate relationships of those not in positions of power and infers the emotional and physical strain endured by dancers. Beyond that, choreography is often collaborative during the early creative process where Each individual would and should normally receive credit for their contribution throughout the process. This work brings forward what is incorrect with the ladder of theatre workshops. Within the production team and dancers acknowledgement is crucial and necessary in order to further succeed in the industry. This concept rings true at every level of production hierarchy.

Keywords: Dance, Musical theatre, minority representation