Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Alexis Tallon-Rendon She/Her Poster Session 5: 1:30-2:15/Poster #51



I am from Miami, Florida. I transferred to Florida State University last spring from Florida International University. Currently, I am majoring in chemical engineering. Hopefully, after graduation, I can have a career that involves a mixture of chemical engineering and sustainability.

Automated Activity Identification for Sustainable Demolition Management and Operations

Authors: Alexis Tallon-Rendon, Juyeong Choi
Student Major: Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Juyeong Choi
Mentor's Department: Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering
Mentor's College: College of Engineering


The reusability and recyclability of demolition waste are significantly affected by the demolition operations, which are largely driven by productivity considerations. As such, investigating the productivity of demolitions operations is key to understanding the decision-making processes affecting the recyclability and reusability of demolition waste. Traditional approaches for tracking the duration of demolition operations and thereby monitoring the productivity can be costly and time-consuming. To enable more effective and efficient productivity monitoring, this research aims to develop an automated demolition activity identification model. Small-scale heavy equipment is used to simulate the demolition operations. Inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors are attached to the small-scale heavy equipment to collect angular and linear acceleration data. Time-stamped collected sensor data are labeled based on the performed demolition activity (i.e., leveling, grabbing, swinging, dumping, or moving) using video footage of the simulated demolition operations. Labeled data are subsequently used to train and test a classification model using different machine learning algorithms. The output of the developed model will facilitate the delivery of real-time productivity information to the demolition equipment operator. This will enable informed decision-making and resource management in favor of recycling and reuse of demolition waste.

Keywords: Sustainable Demolition Management