Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Abigail Patterson Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /6



My name is Abigail Patterson. I'm currently a sophomore in the Industrial Engineering program here at FSU. I'm originally from Broward County and a fun fact about me is that I was homeschooled!

Applying the Business Model Canvas to the SBRI Grant

Authors: Abigail Patterson, Jonathan Adams
Student Major: Industrial Engineering
Mentor: Jonathan Adams
Mentor's Department: Information
Mentor's College: College of Communication and Information
Co-Presenters: Natalia Tunajek


The Small Business Research Innovation grant provides small businesses with the opportunity to access significant federal funding and support for commercialization. However, the application process can be intimidating, particularly for small organizations unfamiliar with business-related information collection. To address this challenge, we propose utilizing the Value Model Canvas, a business information tool designed to simplify processes by providing a structured framework for collecting essential information, including market opportunity, technological innovation, and research objectives. The information gathered using the canvas aligns with the requirements for the grant application process, potentially streamlining the application process.


Keywords: SBRI, Value Model Canvas, Business Model Canvas