Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Ryan Wasserman He/Him Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /168



Hailing from the beach in Sarasota, Florida, I am a pre-med psychology student in my 4th but not final year here at FSU. I am an avid VR user and have a specific interest in the use of VR in diagnosing and managing mental disorders, particularly in seniors. I am passionate about the coming importance of VR, perhaps too passionate at times, and if you'd like to ask I'd happily talk your head off about it.

Influence of Familiarization With IVR on Presence Over Time​

Authors: Ryan Wasserman, Andrew Dilanchian
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Andrew Dilanchian
Mentor's Department: Research
Mentor's College: Psychology
Co-Presenters: Timothy Barbara, Eden Cisneros


IVR is used in a variety of applications from psychological treatments to learning and pain management (Carl et al., 2018; Makransky and Petersen, 2021; Brown et al., 2022) Across several domains, IVR appears to be a promising emerging tool to support the health, wellbeing and quality of life of a variety of healthy and non-healthy populations. (Barreda-Angeles and Hartmann, 2022; Brown et al., 2022) Presence is posited to be a fundamental mechanism through which IVR exerts its effects, affecting enjoyment, attitudes, behavior, treatment responses, and learning outcomes. (Yang and Zhang, 2022; Weech et al., 2019; Barreda-Angeles and Hartmann, 2022; Makransky and Petersen, 2021) Factors of presence have been investigated; however, no longitudinal studies of presence have been done.


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Keywords: Virtual Reality, VR, Psychology, Presence, Seniors, Technology