Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Cole Spires Poster Session 6: 2:30-3:15/Poster #69



Cole Spires is a freshman at Florida State University. Cole is from Homestead, Florida, and is pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Geography.

Exploration of Francis Eppes

Authors: Cole Spires, Benjamin Gunter
Student Major: International Affairs and Geography
Mentor: Benjamin Gunter
Mentor's Department: Communication
Mentor's College: College of Communication and Information


Francis Eppes was an important figure in early Florida. Eppes came from a prestigious family that included Thomas Jefferson, and like his grandfather Thomas, Eppes did a lot. In the city of Tallahassee, Eppes was one of the founders of the St. John's Episcopal Church in Tallahassee and was tasked with finding a new reverend for the church. Among other things, Eppes also helped found the school that would eventually become FSU (Florida State University) in the “Seminary West of the Suwannee River.” Eppes also served as mayor of Tallahassee. But Eppes was not without controversy. Recently, Eppes’ history of slave-owning was revealed, and the backlash has hurt Eppes’ legacy. This project focused on Eppes’ own writings, along with works from the time period. Today some of Eppes’ letters are still intact and there are some pieces written about him during and shortly after his life. Letters explored his devotion to his faith, his children, and his community. But like all historical figures, there remains much to be explored about Eppes, beyond the same 20- sentence biography.

Keywords: Florida, History, Tallahassee, Francis Eppes