Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Miriam Ozcan she/her Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /199

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Hello, my name is Miriam and I am from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I am currently majoring in Public Health and I plan to go into nursing school by next Spring. I am interested in research related to education and healthcare.

Using Multiple Case Study to Explore MTSS–B in Elementary Schools

Authors: Miriam Ozcan, Denise Dennis
Student Major: Public Health
Mentor: Denise Dennis
Mentor's Department: Special Education
Mentor's College: Education
Co-Presenters: Trinity Sims


In many school systems across Florida, students are at an increased risk of academic failure due to behavior. Due to these behaviors, many students are being disciplined in forms that distance them from education. To alleviate these problems, the Florida Department of Education has mandated the use of MTSS-B in schools to support the academic and behavioral needs of students in Florida’s school systems. ​Previous research conducted on the implementation of MTSS-B in schools has shown that the MTSS system in school systems is effective in behavioral changes (Heliyon, 2023). ​This study’s purpose is to evaluate and investigate how school systems implement the use of MTSS-B for students with behavioral challenges.

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Keywords: MTSS, tiers, school, elementary