Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Adriana Diaz She/Her Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /169



I am from Miami, Florida, and of Cuban and Nicaraguan descent. I am interested in wildlife preservation, researching ableism, and film. I aim to become a director and focus my films on political commentary. I aim to expose societal injustices within my films. I do wildlife photography and work with animal organizations to highlight endangered species. I also have been researching the ableism within film and how monstrous depictions of disability can prove harmful. I am a huge fan of dancing and expressing my culture. I also enjoy analyzing the films of famous directors.

The Films of Alexander Sokurov

Authors: Adriana Diaz, Lisa Wakamiya
Student Major: Film
Mentor: Lisa Wakamiya
Mentor's Department: Modern Languages and Linguistics
Mentor's College: Florida State University


Russian director Alexander Sokurov is best known for his unique film style and his creative reconstructions of history. Films like Russian Ark marked Russian cinematic history and his political undertones serve to promote themes of Russian nationalism. Other themes such as the complexity of familial relationships and the meaning of art are noteworthy staples in Sokurov’s work. This research aims to dissect the filmography of Alexander Sokurov and analyze Sokurov’s influence on Haitian filmmaker Raoul Peck’s film Moloch Tropical. The film follows a Haitian ruler as he struggles to remain powerful in the wake of a political revolution. By breaking down Peck’s film and noting the similarities to Sokurov’s work, Wakamiya and I were able to understand what aspects of Peck’s work were inspired by the Russian filmmaker. We also worked to review various essays concerning the impact of Sokurov’s filmography. Like Sokurov, we discovered that aspects such as deconstructing the image of influential political figures by attributing them to undesirable qualities like pettiness and instability were prevalent in Peck’s film. The scholarly articles revealed Sokurov’s deep influence on Russian cinema and his desire to restore Russian nationality. Overall, Sokurov’s influence on Moloch Tropical allowed for Peck’s unique political commentary and themes.

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Keywords: film, Alexander Sokurov, politics, analysis, Raoul Peck