Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Joshua Penumudi Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /385


My name is Joshua Penumudi and I am a second-year Exercise Physiology major. I am from Gainesville, Florida. Some of my research interests are psychology, sports medicine, and nutrition. I hope to pursue a career in the healthcare field in the future.

Nurturing Therapeutic Connections Among Trainee Counselors: Exploring the Influence of Mindfulness

Authors: Joshua Penumudi, Dr. Shengli Dong
Student Major: Exercise Physiology
Mentor: Dr. Shengli Dong
Mentor's Department: Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education


Research indicates that the therapeutic alliance is a significant factor in maintaining optimal treatment and therapeutic outcomes, even though the specific traits associated with this are still being studied. This research aims to analyze the effects of using mindfulness techniques in counselors-in-training and how they influence the therapeutic alliance. Our comprehensive literature review on preceding research about mindfulness and the therapeutic alliance investigate the impacts that mindfulness can have on real relationship, working alliance, and countertransference. In ancient eastern culture, specifically within Buddhism, Mindfulness was a common activity that was practiced. Despite its ancient origins, the use of mindfulness in clinical practices in the western world is very new. Research shows that further study of mindfulness and its modalities is appropriate in order to better understand the therapist-client relationship as well as other influences. The literature indicates that the traits that come about as an effect of mindfulness techniques such as awareness and emotional intelligence can have a positive impact on the development and cultivation of the therapeutic alliance.

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Keywords: Mindfulness, Psychology, Therapeutic Alliance