Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Kathryn Merritt Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /127



I am currently involved in research working to try a new way to assemble a genome as well as research for the applications of machine learning in data assimilation. After finishing my undergraduate degree, I want to obtain a PhD in computational biology focusing on genetics. I am really interested in the future applications of genetics in medicine.

New Genome Assembly Method

Authors: Kathryn Merritt, Alan Lemmon
Student Major: Computational Biology/Statistics
Mentor: Alan Lemmon
Mentor's Department: Scientific Computing
Mentor's College: Arts and Sciences
Co-Presenters: Hannah Squier


Current methods of genome assembly do not differentiate between the different regions of the genome (i.e., satellite regions, multi-copy regions, gene-rich regions, etc.). Instead, all regions are treated as equally helpful and informative. While this approach is sufficient for smaller genomes, assemblies for larger genomes face difficulties as it is difficult to distinguish the highly repetitive regions of the genome from one another. Our approach focuses on using single copy regions of the genome as anchor points, which allow for relative position information to be obtained and the other regions of the genome to be overlaid on the single copy regions towards the end of the assembly.

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Keywords: Genome, Computation, Assembly