Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Joseph Teller Poster Session 2: 10:45 am - 11:45 am/248

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Joseph Teller is a sophomore Finance major from Tampa. He chose his project due to having a Central American background, and this project was one he could relate to.

Identity Among Central Americans

Authors: Joseph Teller, Kristen Amaya
Student Major: Finance
Mentor: Kristen Amaya
Mentor's Department: Social Studies
Mentor's College: Florida State


In Latin American studies, the majority of research focuses on larger populations such as Mexican Americans and Cuban Americans. Much less work focuses on Central America. Through qualitative interviews, this study investigates Central American identity in order to bring light to these often-ignored perspectives. Findings show how Central Americans communicate their identities to others in daily life as well as the identity challenges this population faces. This contains a broad number of findings as different people live different lives, but there are some valuable insights from these interviews. The way Latin American people interact with their identities is useful to understanding their experiences.

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Keywords: Identity, Central America, Latin, Spanish, Immigration