Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

David Ermakov-Speo He/Him Poster Session 4: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm /274

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My name is David Ermakov-Spektor! I was born and raised in Miami, and I am a sophomore Biomedical Engineering student studying cell & tissue bioprocesses- egged on by how I myself have type 1 diabetes, love chemistry, and love biology; In Fall 2023, I found a great interest in alternative, sustainable fuels, and as someone that cares greatly for sustainability I wanted to understand what we can do to efficiently as a collective society to switch off using oil and gas.
As of lately my hobbies have been designing and learning about little bits of programming, baking, running, watching movies, video games, and sketching different engineering schematics for fun!

Developments in Hydrogen-Fueled Engines for Automobiles and Aircraft

Authors: David Ermakov-Speo, Sastry Pamidi
Student Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Sastry Pamidi
Mentor's Department: Center of Advanced Power Systems (CAPS)
Mentor's College: College of Engineering


Green Hydrogen or zero-emission hydrogen fuel-based technologies within the past 7 years have found important infrastructure built up. There are delivery trucks and 18-wheel trucks transitioning to running on hydrogen fuel cells. This is in addition to the latest development of green hydrogen powered aircraft & engines. This research is to analyze the development of these green hydrogen fueled engines and their developments in design and changes in infrastructure within the engines of these vehicles. 

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Keywords: Hydrogen fueled engines