Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Jasmin Perez-Ventura she/her Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /425



Hello! My name is Jasmin Perez-Ventura. I am a second year student from Tampa, Florida. I have enjoyed research since high school, but I didn't fully indulge in it until this year. I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Amanda Tazaz who is a Senior Research Associate at the Learning Systems Institute here at Florida State. I hope to continue doing research next year with what I learned from UROP.

The Effect of Unsanitary Drinking Water from Groundwater and a Public Water Supply

Authors: Jasmin Perez-Ventura, Dr. Amanda Tazaz
Student Major: Public Health & Media Communication Studies
Mentor: Dr. Amanda Tazaz
Mentor's Department: Learning Systems Institute
Mentor's College: Learning Systems Institute


Groundwater is essential for life because it not only provides drinking water for millions of people but it benefits our environment by providing irrigation for crops and agricultural production and helps provide freshwater to support ecosystems. Groundwater is the water that fills the spaces between the rocks and soil underground and can be extracted through many places, like artesian wells, artificial wells, springs, and aquifers. Having access to clean sources of groundwater is important as many people rely on groundwater as their primary source of water. Contamination of groundwater is becoming very common and not only effects people's health but it can cause negative impacts on the environment including the poisoning of wildlife, reduction in crop yields. I am adapting an activity to engage high school students on exploring the properties and characteristics of local water sources, such as tap water, river water, and lake water using simple tools and methods. This activity will help students learn about groundwater and discover the possible sources and effects of contamination.

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Keywords: public health, groundwater, contamination