Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Aribah Rana She/Her Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /144



My name is Aribah Rana and I am in my second year here at Florida State University. I am majoring in IMS Clinical Professions. Currently, I am involved in Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity which is dedicated to shaping future decisions and Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program as a research assistant. Additionally, I am a Patient Care Technician at HCA Florida Capitol and a Physician Scribe at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare. After obtaining my Bachelors degree from Florida State, I hope to medical school and specialize in OB/GYN. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to conduct research through UROP.

Morphological Analysis Pathway to Reading in Multilingual Learners

Authors: Aribah Rana, Dr. Carla Wood
Student Major: IMS Clinical Professions
Mentor: Dr. Carla Wood
Mentor's Department: Communication Disorders
Mentor's College: College of Communication and Information
Co-Presenters: Kara Adamczyk, Alexis Wilson, Sarah Quinlivan


Many educators struggle to keep up with the unique needs of the growing population of English learners who are simultaneously attaining academic skills and language proficiency through elementary education. Thus, it is vital that educators build a child’s morphological awareness at a young age, breaking the otherwise gap in their literacy proficiency. Morphological awareness can be defined as the understanding of how we comprehend the ability for all words to be dissected into smaller units like roots and prefixes. While many different approaches can be taken to improve reading comprehension, in both English and Spanish speaking children, the Morphological Analysis Pathway to Reading (MAP-R) seems to be an effective method for remedying the aforementioned knowledge and academic vocabulary. Following a five- year period funded by the U.S. Department of Education using a technology-based approach in delivering literacy instruction for multilingual elementary aged students with or at risk of learning disabilities, we hope to improve the Florida curriculum and delivery of instruction.

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Keywords: Morphological Analysis Pathway to Reading