Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Elise Dapper She/Her Poster Session 2: 10:45 am - 11:45 am/92



Hi! My name Elise Dapper and I am second year student from Bradenton, Florida and am majoring in Communication Science and Disorders and minoring in Education and Child Development. I plan to attend graduate school with the intention of becoming a speech-language pathologist. I hope to take part in research on developmental disabilities as well as further studying language development and different intervention methods and approaches. I am really passionate about my field of study and hope to make a change in the field whether that be through research or the work I do in the future.

Verb Ventures: Conquering Grammar Gaps in Spanish English MLs - A Comparative Study on Implicit and Explicit Intervention Approaches

Authors: Elise Dapper, Kiana Hines
Student Major: Communication Science and Disorders
Mentor: Kiana Hines
Mentor's Department: Communication Science and Disorders
Mentor's College: Communication and Information


The Verb Ventures project was built around the observation that many multilingual, Spanish and English students struggle to understand and apply the past and present verb tenses when learning the English language. This study specifically focuses on the use of explicit and
implicit methods during speech intervention with students in third through fifth grade. When attempting to teach participants how to use the different forms of each tense in order to figure out which method was most effective when teaching the verb tenses, multiple intervention sessions were conducted in which each method was used with a different verb
tense and practiced through different activities. The explicit method uses a shape coding chart that helps students to identify the subject and verb of the sentence, encouraging students to reframe their outlook and apply the correct verb tense without as much interventionist interaction. Comparatively, the implicit method requires more involvement by the interventionist, having them provide only two options and giving the students a forced choice between their own answer and the alternative
correct answer. It was predicted, and confirmed through the data tracked over time, that the explicit method proved to have the most impact on the language and speaking skills of the student participants. The research conducted will have a large impact on the field of education and speech therapy when finding ways to accommodate ML(multilingual) students in the classroom and in speech interventions, assisting in higher levels of
student success.


Keywords: Intervention, Multilingual, Verb, Implicit, Explicit