Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Henry Li He/him Poster Session 4: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm /388



My name is Henry Li and I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a second-year student at FSU majoring in Biological Sciences on a Pre-Med track. My research interests include LGBTQ+ community wellness and neuroscience.

Systematic Review of the Abuse of LGBTQ+ Elders with HIV

Authors: Henry Li, Dr. Casey Xavier Hall
Student Major: Biological Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Casey Xavier Hall
Mentor's Department: Center of Population Sciences for Health Equity
Mentor's College: College of Nursing


The LGBTQ+ community, more specifically LGBTQ+ elders with HIV, face discrimination and
abuse from society and even those around them, especially as they grow older. Prior research has
largely looked at different aspects of this discrimination and abuse, such as who is often behind
the discrimination and abuse, the effects on the LGBTQ+ elder individuals, and intervention
methods. However, there has not been a systematic review to cover all this information in one
paper. We used Covidence to sort through 10,519 articles, marking them as relevant or irrelevant
to our research project. We used a pre-determined set of criteria to make this choice. Our
preliminary sorting has removed 2703 irrelevant articles and moved 188 articles to a full-text
review. Our findings will allow future researchers to find all the information about the abuse of
LGBTQ+ elders with HIV, identify gaps in the research about the topic, and decide where to focus future research.

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Keywords: LGBTQ+, Discrimination, Abuse, Systematic Review