Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Kyle Skillington Poster Session 4: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm /256



I am a current Florida State University sophomore and will be starting in the College of Nursing in the Fall. I am originally from Orlando, Florida, and decided to pursue this field of research because psychological health has always been an interest of mine and the future implications of this study and area of research as a whole could have a profound impact on both the longevity and quality of life for those who are diagnosed with mental disorders and diseases.

Spatial Navigation and Mental Rotation Skills in Older and Younger Individuals

Authors: Kyle Skillington, Dorota Kossowska-Kuhn
Student Major: Nursing
Mentor: Dorota Kossowska-Kuhn
Mentor's Department: Psychology
Mentor's College: Psychology


Background: Spatial navigation skills, including mental rotation abilities, play a vital role in everyday life. These skills can be influenced by various factors, with age being one of the key determinants of individual variations in mental rotation proficiency.
Methods: This study investigates differences in mental rotation skills between younger and older adults. The participants will undergo two one-hour test sessions on the Qualtrics and PsyToolKit platforms, comprising a set of cognitive tests such as the Cardinal Points Task, Left-Right Task, and Mental Rotation test. The tests will measure participants' accuracy and the time taken to complete each section.
Results: We are in the process of recruiting participants. We predict that individuals in the younger group will display higher accuracy scores across the series of tests, with faster average times of completion when compared to the older group. It will be useful to utilize the information gathered from this study for further research into the mechanisms that drive any differences in mental rotation skills between age groups.

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Keywords: psychology, mental rotation, aging