Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Olivia Costes she/her Poster Session 5: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm/366



Hello! My name is Olivia Costes, a current second year student from Lexington, Kentucky. I am currently studying economics and mathematics in order to pursue a career in economic/financial research. I have always been interested in mathematics and its applications to the real world, so research is something I am very passionate about. Outside of academics I enjoy spending time with my dog, Moo, going on runs, and exploring the outdoors.

Learning From Personal and Impersonal Political Discussion

Authors: Olivia Costes, Marli Dunietz
Student Major: Economics and Applied Mathematics
Mentor: Marli Dunietz
Mentor's Department: Political Science
Mentor's College: College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
Co-Presenters: Maegan Smarkusky


The purpose of this research project is to better understand how social image plays a role in an individual's response to certain political issues. This research will fill a gap in second-order thinking research pertaining to political interaction and policy review. The overall study involves an individual's response to a relevant policy followed by a peer’s review of the response where the listener can decide to reward the respondent for their response. The most recent portion of the project involves reviewing responses and annotating them based on different interpersonal and political factors. The results are currently not conclusive, but they will be very useful to determine how to best structure political discussion in the future to minimize inaccuracies in public opinion due to second-order thinking.

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Keywords: Political Discussion, Behavioral Economics, Political Science