Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Dianna Pledger She/her Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /433



Dianna is currently a freshman from Tampa, Florida studying biochemistry, and she hopes to pursue medical school for psychiatry after graduating from Florida State University.

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance investigation of plasmonic In: CdO nanoparticles

Authors: Dianna Pledger, Catherine Fabiano
Student Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Catherine Fabiano
Mentor's Department: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mentor's College: FSU Liberal Arts and Sciences Chemistry


A plasmon is a phenomenon that occurs when an electron oscillates on the
surface of a conductor. Localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) refer
to free carriers oscillating at a frequency of light. Historically, experiments
exploring LSPR characteristics have focused on gold (Au) and silver (Ag).
However, these noble metals have limited LSPR tunability and are costly.
Metal Oxides can be tuned via doping, size, and shape, while noble metals
can only be tuned via size and shape. This means that LSPRs can be
observed in metal oxides across a wide range of frequencies, from visible
(Vis) to far-infrared (FIR), which is useful for telecommunication (MIR-
FIR), photothermal therapy (NIR), and electrochromic windows (UV-Vis-
NIR). This project examines indium doped cadmium oxide (In:CdO)
nanoparticles and how relationships between the structures and properties of
different concentrations of indium in cadmium oxide lattice.


Keywords: chemistry, synthesis, nanoparticles, plasmon, EPR