Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Ayla Walsworth she/her/hers Poster Session 4: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm/294



Ayla is a second year undergraduate student at Florida State University studying Behavioral Neuroscience with a minor in Chemistry. She is originally from Boulder, Colorado and she completed her first year abroad in Valencia, Spain and Florence, Italy. Ayla is currently involved in two research labs on campus and she is excited to keep exploring more projects in the fields of Psychology and Neuroscience. She feels passionate about topics in mental health and is currently involved with the outreach committee of the Mental Health Council at FSU. Ayla intends to graduate in the Spring of 2025 to pursue a masters in Psychology.

A Comprehensive Literature Review of Eating Disorders in LGBTQ+ College-Aged Individuals

Authors: Ayla Walsworth, Megan Bell
Student Major: Behavioral Neuroscience
Mentor: Megan Bell
Mentor's Department: Educational Psychology & Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences


Current research has suggested that LGBTQ college-aged individuals
might be at a higher risk of developing eating disorders in comparison to
their cisgender peers. Our comprehensive literature review aims to
identify current gaps in research towards treating this population of
individuals. The study also aims to further understand aspects of
symptomatology, interventions, and treatments of eating disorders
within this population based on the information gathered from these
online sources. Lastly, this exploration aims to promote awareness for
members of this population, provide recommendations for future areas
of research, and to provide future implications.
The literature review was completed using key search terms relevant to
the study’s questions to identify and assess current information
concerning this population of individuals. A primary and secondary
search was conducted to filter sources from multiple online library
databases containing relevant information.

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Keywords: LGBTQ+ eating disorders