Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Rolando Sucena He/Him Poster Session 2: 10:45 am - 11:45 am/34



My name is Rolando Sucena and I'm a first year undergraduate student majoring in Biology. My passions include the sciences as well as history. I have always been fascinated by museums so my project was a perfect fit since it meshes archaeology and anthropology with biological sciences and museum style exhibition creation.

Zoo-Anthropology Exhibition

Authors: Rolando Sucena, Amy Kowal
Student Major: Biological sciences
Mentor: Amy Kowal
Mentor's Department: Department of Anthropology
Mentor's College: College of Arts and Sciences


Anthropology, often described as the science of man and its relationships with distribution, origin and culture, contains a number of branches including the relatively recently coined zoo-anthropology/anthrozoology. Anthrozoology focuses on the interactions between humans and non-human animals, it is invaluable to science as a whole as it gives insight into the diet, culture, habits and taboos of ancient communities under study. To shed light on how this information is gathered and analyzed by anthrozoologists, we are collecting information from a number of anthrozoology sources and compiling them in preparation for an exhibit to be displayed in FSUs anthropology building. FSU’s resident zooarchaeologist was consulted and a number of sources were analyzed including annual reviews of anthropology and books detailing the methods used by archeologists that tie zoology to archaeloogy. The goal of this project is to educate the public on anthropology and one of the ways it interconnects with other sciences, in this case zoology.


Keywords: anthropology zoology exhibit anthrozoology