Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Ross Ellis Poster Session 1: 9:30 am - 10:30 am /186

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Welcome! My name is Ross Ellis and I am currently an undergraduate student at Florida State University majoring in Cyber-Criminology through the College of Computer Science. I'm a Presidential Scholar Award recipient and un addition, I am a research assistant at FSU working to understand the extant A.I. controls our society. Through this project I was able to learn new skills, overcome challenges, and collaborate with talented teams, specifically in cyber security and data analytics.

Intergenerational Influences on Conspicuous Consumerism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: AI's Role in Retail Consumer Behavior

Authors: Ross Ellis, Chassity Jackson
Student Major: Cyber-Criminology (Computer Science)
Mentor: Chassity Jackson
Mentor's Department: College of Business
Mentor's College: Florida State University
Co-Presenters: Isabella Dos Anjos


his project evaluates the relationship between consumerism and artificial intelligence (A.I), how cutting-edge technologies affect consumer experiences, and the ethical quandaries associated with their integration. The study looks into how artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are changing the consumer industry, specifically in relation to machine learning, natural language processing, and recommendation systems. We explore how artificial intelligence (A.I.) algorithms improve personalization, speed up decision-making, and influence consumer behavior by closely evaluating the corpus of current research and case studies. The ethical ramifications of artificial intelligence applications in consumer goods are discussed in this paper along with technological breakthroughs. We examine issues such as potential bias in A.I. systems, privacy concerns, and transparency in algorithmic decision-making. The ethical issues surrounding data gathering and use are also covered in the study, along with the role stakeholders have in guaranteeing impartial and equitable application of A.I. Through the integration of present-day patterns, scientific discoveries, and ethical discussion, this study aims to achieve a more all-encompassing comprehension of the correlation between artificial intelligence and consumerism.The knowledge obtained from this research should help future scholars, legislators, and business executives understand how the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence is changing in consumer contexts and what that could mean for the future of trade.

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Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Consumerism