Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Christianna Ford she/her Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /20

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My name is Christianna Ford, and I am a first year Presidential Scholar pursuing a dual degree in Public Relations and Marketing with a Minor in Spanish. While studying, I am glad to have opportunities such as this one to get involved with research, and once I complete my degree program, I plan to get a Master's and potentially a Ph.D. in Communications in order to further advance my knowledge of consumer behaviors. I hope to work in a corporate field one day with a focus on client and consumer relations.

The Effect of Private Preferences on Content Distribution Platforms

Authors: Christianna Ford, Marcos Vasconcelos
Student Major: Public Relations and Marketing
Mentor: Marcos Vasconcelos
Mentor's Department: Electrical and Computational Engineering
Mentor's College: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering


Content distribution algorithms are designed to determine what content should be displayed to which users. These algorithms introduce user choice and, subsequently, user involuntary self disclosure and echo chamber effects via platform usage. This study delves into the intricate dynamics between these algorithms and user media consumption, shedding light on the unintended consequences of online interactions through the modeling of user and platform interactions. As individuals engage with various platforms, their digital footprint becomes subject to algorithmic curation.


Keywords: social media, algorithm, technology, content, recommender systems