Research Symposium

22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Daniel Garcia He/Him/His Poster Session 6: 2:30-3:15/Poster #49

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My name is Daniel Garcia and I am a second year student at Florida State majoring in Interdisciplinary Medical Science for Clinical Professions. I was born and raised Tampa, Florida and am of Cuban descent. I enjoy science and the many natural wonders of the world. In the future, I hope to go to medical school to become a doctor.

Cultural Tailoring in Communicating Health

Authors: Daniel Garcia, Joseph Grzywacz
Student Major: Interdisciplinary Medical Science: Clinical Science
Mentor: Joseph Grzywacz
Mentor's Department: College of Health and Human Sciences
Mentor's College: College of Health and Human Sciences


• Pesticide and heat-related illnesses are common amongst all
farmworkers, but especially in those with language-barriers or other
limiting factors. Latino farmworkers are at high risk for these
illnesses due to their eagerness to work and lack of safety
• Tailoring is important in educating farmworkers because one must
understand the contexts under which they learn. In knowing the best
ways to present information to a group of people, it can be made
easier for them to learn.
• In the initial stages of joining onto this project, I was assigned to do
research on humoral medicine and cultural tailoring.
• Humoral medicine is an equilibrium model of health that is
widespread in Latin America. Health is thought to be a balance,
where too much warmth, for example, requires cold to compensate
and illness results from a lack of compensation (Foster, 1987).
• After learning about these topics, I began to educate myself on the
learning management system that we use, TalentLMS. Similar to
sites like Canvas, TalentLMS allowed me to use different resources
such as videos and PowerPoints to teach and tests and assignments
to make sure the learners learn the information presented.
• After completing this learning management system, we will be able
to tell if our methods of teaching were tailored to their learning
styles, and if cultural tailoring influences learning.
• However, due to the likeliness of preliminary results, literature
reviews had to be conducted

Keywords: Tailoring, Farmworkers, Health