Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Mia Biton she/her Poster Session 4: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm /444



Mia Biton is a first-year Presidential Scholar studying Theatre and Political Science. She was born and raised in Miami, Florida along with her two younger siblings. Mia’s research interests include intersectionality, feminism, government, and music. In her free time, Mia enjoys writing songs and playing guitar and piano. She is so grateful to be participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program early on in her research career!

I'm 100% That Bitch with a Blank Space: The Feminism(s) and Feminist Rhetorical Strategies of Taylor Swift and Lizzo

Authors: Mia Biton, Brittany Barron
Student Major: Theatre, Political Science
Mentor: Brittany Barron
Mentor's Department: Rhetoric and Composition
Mentor's College: Florida State University


PhD Candidate and research mentor Brittany Barron’s dissertation, I'm 100% That Bitch with a Blank Space: The Feminism(s) and Feminist Rhetorical Strategies of Taylor Swift and Lizzo, is where she explores the distinct feminist rhetorical expressions of Taylor Swift and Lizzo through an analysis of their music videos, encompassing both visual and aural dimensions. Barron notes how these artists, who identify as feminist despite the critiques they receive from the public, use a variety of rhetorical techniques in their artistic creations, adding to the rich fabric of modern feminist discourse. As Barron’s research mentee, I was tasked with finding popular sources (i.e. interviews, social media, podcasts) where both Swift and Lizzo discuss their personal definitions of feminism. For example, I analyzed Lizzo’s Instagram for photo or video content of her expressing her distinct feminist style to her audience. I also looked at popular sources to see how the public interpreted Swift’s and Lizzo’s communications of feminism in the media. PhD candidate Brittany Barron’s goal when conducting this research is to shed light on how celebrity feminists and their expressions of feminism (in their music videos) affect our understanding of feminism and the feminist movement, and I am very grateful that I was able to contribute to her research as her mentee.

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Keywords: feminism, music, taylor swift, lizzo, rhetoric