Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Olivia Mayer she/her Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /363



Olivia Mayer is a second-year honors student at Florida State, pursuing a double major in Political Science and Religion. She has lived in the Panhandle region of Florida for the past eight years. Her primary research interests lie in exploring the intersections of politics and religion in the American context. Olivia has plans to attend law school after graduating in Spring 2025.

How Should We Conduct a Video Diary Study?  A Systematic Review of the Diary Method

Authors: Olivia Mayer, Vanessa Dennen
Student Major: Political Science and Religion
Mentor: Vanessa Dennen
Mentor's Department: Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences


This study addresses the lack of established best practices for using video diaries in psychological research. By reviewing over 700 articles and conducting autoethnography with four researchers, it aims to fill this gap. It systematically examines various aspects of video diary use, such as study duration, quantity, pacing, prompts, design, and analysis methods. By categorizing articles by topic and participant age, it identifies patterns to establish guidelines for effective video diary use. Preliminary findings show the value of video diaries but highlight a need for standardized methodologies .Further analysis is necessary to develop comprehensive guidelines. The study aims to consolidate existing knowledge and pave the way for future research using video diaries, offering insights from literature review and autoethnography to enhance their rigor and efficacy in psychological inquiry. In conclusion, while video diaries show promise for psychological research, more investigation into best practices is needed. This study contributes to addressing this gap and advancing the understanding and utilization of video diaries in psychological inquiry.

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Keywords: video diary, psychology, methodology