Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Hannah Hansted she/they Poster Session 4: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm /178



I'm a Studio Art sophomore from Tampa, FL, and my current goals are to explore new artistic mediums to build up a portfolio, in particular I'm passionate about 3D modeling and animation. I'm also a traditional artist by nature, most of my work being acrylic/watercolor which is why I was fortunate enough to work with a professional painter to teach me about the Fine Art Industry.

A Study Under Artist Jiha Moon and the Application of Learned Methods

Authors: Hannah Hansted, Jiha Moon
Student Major: Studio Art
Mentor: Jiha Moon
Mentor's Department: Art Department
Mentor's College: MFA University of Iowa/MFA Ehwa Womans University/BFA Korea University


This poster is a culmination of personal research on the working methods of Professor and artist Jiha Moon and her unique approach to documenting ideas, techniques in the mediums she employs, and the thematic relationships between imagery and material. Included will be a document of Mrs. Moon’s techniques and advice regarding art handling, preparation, gallery relationships, and organization/stocking of an art studio while I was acting as her studio assistant. In this project I will be showing a collection of sketchbooks, work-in-progresses, and final pieces that I created, while keeping in mind what I was learning under her tutelage. There will also be photographic documentation of the small-scale solo show myself and another assistant created to get a better understanding of the curatorial process for hosting artworks made with the intention of being in an art show. Each piece will have been directly informed by the independent research on medieval done for the visual symbolism incorporated; the goal of this project is to get a better understanding on the commonly overlooked aspects of art making, and to learn strategies for success from an accomplished contemporary artist.

Screenshot 2024-03-23 191248.png

Keywords: Hanji Painting Sketchbook Unicorn Art