Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Dara Cohn She/her Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm /123



I am a senior graduating in December of 2024. I plan on attending a graduate program in applied behavior analysis after graduation with the intention of becoming a board-certified behavior analyst.

C3ForMe: Enhanced Self-determination Instruction for Transition-aged Young Adults with Disabilities

Authors: Dara Cohn, Janae Duclos-Francois
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Janae Duclos-Francois
Mentor's Department: Department of Education
Mentor's College: College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences


The study explores the fostering of self-determination (SD) skills in students with disabilities (SWDs) and its impact on their post-school outcomes. Self-determined individuals are often seen as those who understand their goals and how to achieve them. Research indicates that SD skills are crucial in promoting goal-directed behaviors and positive outcomes for students. The literature underscores the importance of self-determination in successful transition planning for SWDs, predicting positive post-school results. The study, utilizing an experimental case study design, focused on a special education teacher and 10 transition-aged young adults with disabilities at a summer transition institute. The aim was to investigate the effects of enhanced self-determination instruction using small-group communication activities (C3 for Me) alongside a published self-determination curriculum (“Whose Future is it Anyway”). The data collected through the AIR Self Determination Scale were analyzed to assess the impact of enhanced instruction on SWDs' self-determination levels. Results, analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including a Paired Samples t Test, revealed a statistically significant increase in student self-determination levels after receiving the enhanced training. This suggests that targeted interventions and enhanced instruction positively influence the development of self-determination skills in SWDs. The findings align with previous research indicating that higher levels of self-determination correlate with positive post-school outcomes, such as continued education, employment, and independent living. The study contributes to understanding how fostering self-determination can enhance the transition and overall success of students with disabilities.

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Keywords: transition planning, self-determination training, special education