Research Symposium

24th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 3, 2024

Alexia Jean She/Her Poster Session 3: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm/396



My name is Alexia Jean and I am currently a senior studying Psychology at Florida State University. I am also pursuing a minor in education. From my previous experience working in and studying education, I knew I was interested in educational research as I learned about the different teaching strategies that are used in a classroom. I hope to apply what I've learned in this research experience in future research endeavors that I may pursue. In the future I hope to become a social worker and academic researcher. My research interests include student mental health, child welfare, and special education advocacy.

Adopting educational games in K-12 teaching—​ From teachers' perspectives​

Authors: Alexia Jean, Xiaotong Yang
Student Major: Psychology
Mentor: Xiaotong Yang
Mentor's Department: Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems
Mentor's College: College of Education
Co-Presenters: Jihyeon Jeon


Nowadays, Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) has become one of the most prominent technology uses in education. However, the inclusion of game learning in the school curriculum is not widespread despite its advantages according to the previous research. To understand the challenges that teachers face when adopting educational games in their classrooms, we conducted a mini-literature review. The research looked at teachers’ perceptions of DGBL to address the problems that inhibit the adoption of digital games in the classroom setting. We found two challenges teachers faced in adopting educational games: a lack of professional development programs and a lack of access to technological resources including quality educational games. Therefore, we collected 23 existing educational games, suitable for K-12 use, to a database that current teachers can utilize in their classes by searching the internet. We focused on games for special education and English Language Art (ELA) teaching and coded the grade level as well as teaching objectives of the games.​

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Keywords: Educational Games, Teachers, K-12