The FSU Global Scholars program offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to engage with critical questions about social impact, social justice, and social change through a combination of academic, classroom-based learning as well as independent research, internship, and/or service-learning experiences.
We will begin recruiting for the 2026 cohort in Fall 2025! Read the description of the program below for more information and to learn about how to apply!
You can access the application by clicking the button below. Applications will be considered starting Fall 2025.
Learn more about the application process and check out the application format as well as questions by downloading a PDF copy of the Global Scholars Application!
Info sessions: coming Fall 2025
Learn more about the Global Scholars experience from previous cohorts by reading their blogs! For more detailed information, check out our Extended Program Description, or attend one of our information session during Fall 2025.
If you have any other questions please email CRE Associate Director for Global Programming, Warren Oliver (, or schedule a meeting with him via Campus Connect.
Program Description
The Global Scholars program provides students with guidance and support as they pursue their own student-designed learning experiences. In the context of this program, ‘student-designed experiences’ might include:
- An online internship with a social impact organization (in the US or abroad)
- An in-person internship with a social impact organization (in the US or abroad)
- A self-directed research project focused on a social issue of your choosing in your local context
While the program does support international travel, students can opt to alternatively complete an experience remotely or within the US. The program then retains its strong ‘global’ focus by helping students situate their internship and research experiences in relation to broader global issues, interconnections, and histories.
The Global Scholars program does not directly sanction these student-designed learning experiences. Rather, the Global Scholars Program provides peer community, mentorship, curriculum, and a structure for ongoing intellectual inquiry as students pursue experiences that align with their own interests, goals, budgets, and timelines. As such, the program provides a uniquely accessible and affordable pathway through which FSU students can engage with independent opportunities for learning and professional development.
Deadlines, Costs, and Application Details
The total fee for participating in this program will be the cost for 2 credit hours, one respectively for the theory and reflection courses, as well as any costs associated with the respective experience. FSU will offer experiential grants to projects based off of applicants' need. For example, Global Scholars may be awarded the Global Peace Exchange (GPE) Fellowship and receive up to $1000, provided they are:
- Working towards a major or minor within FSU's College of Social Science and Public Policy (COSSPP)
- Planning an international service-learning experience in the Global South to be completed as their independent, summer experience
In any case, these grants will be able to offset costs associated with students' independent experiences.
Other fees, such as external program fees (depending on your choice of summer experience) and cost of living, must be paid by the Global Scholar. The theory course will focus how to develop a budget to make sure that Global Scholars are aware of these costs.
Upon completion of the program, students will receive 0-1 academic credit for the theory and reflection courses. During the summer, students may earn additional credit (up to 6 credits) in the form of Internships or Directed Independent Study. Additionally, if approved through the university's Experience Recognition Process (ERP), students can use their experience for the formative experience requirement for graduation.
Sample application process:
- September 7th: Applications Open
(see details above) - November 7th (at 11:59pm): Application Deadline
- November 19th: Accepted Global Scholars notified
- November 28th: Remote Info Session for accepted Global Scholars
- December 9th: Confirmation date for students’ place in programs
- October 7th-26th: Info Sessions for Interested Applicants
Program Elements
The program consists of a theory (spring) course and a reflection (fall) course, both of which are hybrid courses and explore the ethical and political complexities of attempting to ‘do good’ or ‘help others’ while crossing significant differences of culture and power. The program also introduces students to qualitative, community-based research paradigms and provides space for reflecting on larger questions about power, privilege, inequality, and diversity. Between these courses, students are asked to put these ideas and skills into practice through a (Summer) experience.
The Global Scholars program combines the following core elements:
- Peer-to-peer learning and personalized mentorship from Global Scholar Ambassadors (GSAs)
- Curriculum 'concentrations' in thematic areas including Education & Social Change, Global Health, Environmental Justice, Disabilities in Global Context, Human Rights, Migration & Borders, and Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Periodic webinars and group calls to support community-building and critical reflection
- Ongoing dialogue and contemplation about your own location within global flows of power and resources — and the implications of this positionality within the context of current events and your current life trajectory
- Support for designing and executing a student-designed learning experience which becomes the basis for your digital storytelling and final digital portfolio
- Digital storytelling to document ongoing reflection throughout student-designed learning experience; eventual creation of a digital portfolio to share with loved ones as well as future employers or admissions officers

Global Scholar Personal Experiences
This video, we will be hearing about Lauren's experience in Cornwall, England! Read more about Lauren's summer experience here:
I really liked everything we learned about because it helped me better understand what ethical community engagement looked like and how to have a meaningful experience abroad while working within my qualifications.
-Elissa Bell (Biology and Computational Sciences Junior, 2022 Cohort)
In the Global Scholars Theory Course I liked the discussions in class and the material about community and cultural engagement was useful in preparing me for my experience.
-Rachel Silverboard (International Affairs Junior, 2022 Cohort)
I liked how we all had different GSA groups to be a part of and how we discussed different topics within those groups. It was easier to get to know people and see their opinions on issues.
-Fiona Giardino (Public Health Junior, 2022 Cohort)
Potential Ideas for Global Scholar Experiences
Global Scholars make plans for their summer experiences during spring. Students are free to design their experiences as they see fit, as long as they fit within FSU's wider policies. Additionally, students learn about travel safety and how to develop a budget for their experience during the spring course. With this in mind, the Global Scholars program offers students a wide range of resources for identifying opportunities for student-designed learning experiences, which might include:
- Americorps
- A project with one of FSU's RSO’s focused on social impact work
- Student Conservation Association
- Omprakash’s remote opportunities (a network of grassroots social impact organizations in over 45 countries around the world, working in fields including education, health, human rights, migration, sustainability, and social enterprise)
- Opportunities provided through FSU’s International Programs (such as study abroad opportunities or independent internships
- Independent projects (such as those granted by Summer Research, IDEA Grants, or those found through FSU’s Office of National Fellowships)
- Volunteering at Intercultural/Global FSU programing (such as International Cafe, English Conversation Club, or English Conversation Partners)
- Relevant professional training (such as FSU-CIES TEFL Program, HSC Physician Assistantship Certificate, or those found through FSU’s Career Center)
- Other opportunities offered through FSU’s Career Center
- Opportunities found through the Center for Leadership and Social Change
- Opportunities offered through the Student Opportunity Network
It should be noted that if a student does not know what they want to do before the program (or if those plans change), it is ok. Developing the ideal experience for their situation is part of the Global Scholars process and a major component of the spring theory course.