Deadline for Summer Undergraduate Research Awards

The following funding opportunities are available each year for FSU undergraduates to support research activities. Application deadlines are noted. Further information is available from the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement.

Summer Research and Creative Activity Awards

Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Awards (URCAA)

Donor Supported Awards:

Michael J. Shaara Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Award
 David B. Ford Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Award

Sponsored by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement and private donors, these $4,000 award support students conducting summer research or creative activity under the direction of a supervising faculty mentor. Recipients of the award are required to present their findings at asymposium held in the fall semester following their summer of research. To see successful examples of previous URCAA applications, please see this document:

URCAA and MRCE example proposals

Click Here to apply for the URCAA Fellowship.
Application Deadline: January 28, 2015

URCAA Application description and instructions


Mentored Research and Creative Endeavors Awards (MRCE)

Donor Supported Awards:

Scott and Ina McNichols Undergraduate Research Award
 Helen Louise Lee Undergraduate Research Award
 Phi Eta Sigma Undergraduate Research Award
 John W. Day III Undergraduate Research Award

Sponsored by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement and private donors, these awards provide up to $1000 for student support while conducting mentored research or creative endeavors in the summer or fall.
Click Here to apply for the MRCE Application. You can apply for the MRCE award on the same application as the URCAA award. 
Application Deadline: January 28, 2015

MRCE Application description and instructions


Public Service Research Fellowship (PSRF)
 The FSU Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, with funding from the ACC and the Garnet and Gold Scholars Society, is excited to announce a new award for FSU undergraduates. The Public Service Research Fellowship (PSRF) offers undergraduates fellowships to engage in research that directly benefits community-based organizations, programs, and/or specific community groups in a domestic or international setting.
Students may apply as individuals or groups. Individual applicants will receive up to a $4,000 stipend and groups will receive up to a $6,000 stipend to carry out to their proposed research for eight to twelve weeks under the direction of a supervising professor. Funds may be used for living expenses, materials, and/or travel
Click Here to apply for the PSRF fellowship. 
Application Deadline: January 28, 2015

PSRF application description and instructions


Social Work Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Awards (SWURCAA)
 PURPOSE: The College of Social Work at Florida State University’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Awards foster directed research and creative opportunities for undergraduate students in the field of social work at FSU.
 AWARD DESCRIPTION: Selected applicants will receive a summer stipend of up to $4000 to carry out their proposed research or creative project for twelve weeks under the direction of a supervising professor. Funds may be used for living expenses, materials, and/or travel.
Click Here to apply for the SWURCAA fellowship. 
Application Deadline: January 28, 2015

Social Work application description and instructions.


ACC Collaborative Summer Research Award
The FSU Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement, with funding from the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), is excited to announce a new award for FSU undergraduates. The ACC Collaborative Summer Research Award offers one undergraduate student the opportunity to travel and conduct research under the mentorship of a faculty member at another ACC university . The award's aim is to improve collaboration between ACC institutions.
 The selected student will receive a $5,000 stipend to carry out his or her proposed research for eight to twelve weeks. Funds may be used for living expenses, materials, and/or travel. It is the responsibility of the students and/or their FSU faculty mentor to contact the faculty member at the other ACC school.
The application requires a personal statement, project proposal, and one letter of recommendation. The letter of recommendation should come from a FSU faculty member who will serve as the "sponsoring professor." The FSU recommender should make sure to address the project supervision that will be provided by both the FSU faculty member and the faculty member at the other ACC university. Students must be returning to FSU as an undergraduate in the fall semester following the summer award period to be eligible. The winning student must also present at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence in the fall term.
 Application Deadline: January 28, 2015

Click Here to apply for the ACC Collaborative Summer Research Award.

ACC Summer Collaborative Research Award 2015 Application Information

Bess H. Ward Honors Thesis Awards

The Honors Office offers awards of up to $750 to support research or creative activity leading to an Honors Thesis for students who are in the Honors in the Major Program. The awards provide for travel funds to perform the research or for expense items or small equipment items directly related to the thesis research or creative project. Applications are available on  For more information contact the Honors Program. 

Application Deadlines: October 1, 2015

Other Places to Explore

For additional FSU awards and grants, visit the Honors Program , A3600 University Center.

For nationally competitive fellowships, visit the Office of National Fellowships website.