2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium

You are invited to join us on Thursday, April 1, 2021 as current undergraduate researchers present their posters virtually for the 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium! The Undergraduate Research Symposium is an annual showcase for undergraduate students from all majors to present their work to the wider community. Hundreds of student researchers, including those from Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, Honors in the Major Program, and the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), present their work as poster and creative presentations. 

This year, we will be using Whova, our conference management app, which collates our presenters' Zoom links, posters, and more! We will also have opportunities for students and participants to engage with campus partners (including Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, UROP, and more!). If you are interested in attending as a non-presenting attendee, please fill out this Qualtrics: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6tEE8Iuw68DexFk

In order for the students to gain the most experience during the virtual symposium, we encourage you to invite your peers, professors, and family to attend this event! Many of our presenters participate in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, Honors in the Major, and students wanting presentation experience. We will be sharing the Nourishing Creativity performative projects as videos shared in each session.
Virtual 2021 Undergraduate Research Symposium
Thursday, April 1, 2021 using Whova!

View the Agenda for this year's URS below!



To attend (as a non-presenting attendee):
2. You'll then receive an email once you have been added to the Whova system
3. Follow the email instructions to create your Whova account (you must sign up with the email you put into the Qualtrics survey above)

For more information about fall events, please contact the CRE at cre@fsu.edu.