UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #424

Submission information
Submission Number: 424
Submission ID: 8391
Submission UUID: 8681e8e1-272d-480d-b8b1-9196728f47f2

Created: Fri, 08/11/2023 - 02:58 PM
Completed: Fri, 08/11/2023 - 04:56 PM
Changed: Mon, 09/25/2023 - 02:59 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
serial: '424'
sid: '8391'
uuid: 8681e8e1-272d-480d-b8b1-9196728f47f2
uri: /urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal
created: '1691780327'
completed: '1691787369'
changed: '1695668392'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '0'
langcode: en
webform_id: urop_project_proposal_portal
entity_type: node
entity_id: '1116'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
  approximately_how_many_hours_a_week_would_the_research_assistant: '8'
  are_you_currently_looking_for_students_: 'No'
  confirmation_1: '1'
  contact_email_fsu_email: ''
  contact_email_fsu_email2: ''
  contact_email_fsu_email_if_affiliated_: voh09@fsu.edu
  fsu_college: 'Communication and Information'
  fsu_department_if_applicable_: 'School of Information '
  headshot_optional_: '26431'
  if_the_project_location_is_off_campus_does_the_student_need_to_p: 'No'
  mentoring_philosophy: |-
    My mentoring philosophy recognizes the unique value of mentorship for undergraduate students from all walks of life, with a particular emphasis on those from underrepresented populations, marginalized communities, and individuals who may face discrimination based on gender, sex, race, or ability. This philosophy acknowledges the indispensable nature of mentorship in nurturing, inspiring, and empowering students in their academic journey, providing them with a sense of belonging and direction.

    Understanding the diverse challenges that students may encounter during their undergraduate years, this approach to mentorship is dedicated to providing personalized guidance, encouragement, and shared experiences that resonate with their individual paths.

    This philosophy champions mentorship relationships that are adaptable, structured, and responsive, constantly evolving to meet the unique needs and aspirations of each student. These relationships aim to foster confidence, stimulate intellectual curiosity, encourage risk-taking, and facilitate personal and academic growth.

    The ultimate goal of this mentoring philosophy is to create an environment of inclusivity, collaboration, and opportunity within the academic community. By recognizing and addressing the specific needs and experiences of undergraduate students, particularly those from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds, this approach seeks to cultivate a nurturing educational landscape.

    Whether guiding students through research projects, academic challenges, or personal development, this philosophy encourages breaking patterns of exclusivity and fostering a sense of empowerment. It is a mission to bridge gaps, build connections, and create a future where every undergraduate student has the chance to thrive, contribute, and make a meaningful impact, regardless of their background or circumstance.
  mentor_handbook_and_faqs: '1'
  name_of_other_faculty_collaborator_if_applicable_: ''
  number_of_assistants_needed_faculty_postdoc_max_6_graduate_stude: '2'
  other_faculty_collaborator_s_preferred_pronouns: ''
  overall_research_project_description: |-
    The "Library in a Box" initiative is an ambitious research project aimed at redefining the conventional library system by integrating digital and physical resources into compact, portable libraries. Targeting underserved communities with limited access to traditional library resources, it seeks to provide an innovative solution to educational accessibility, literacy enhancement, and community empowerment.

    Accessibility: To make educational resources available to remote and underserved communities lacking consistent internet or physical libraries.
    Customization: To empower local communities to curate and adapt their own library content, encouraging ownership and contextual relevance.
    Digital Literacy: To introduce and promote digital literacy, using low-tech solutions that are accessible to communities with limited digital resources.
    Community Engagement: To foster collaboration and creativity within communities, utilizing a participatory approach to library development and maintenance.
    Sustainability: To design a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable model that can be replicated and scaled across various contexts and regions.
    Impact Evaluation: To assess the initiative's effectiveness in improving literacy rates, community engagement, and overall educational attainment.
    The project employs a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating insights from library science, technology, education, sociology, and other relevant fields. The methodology includes:

    Needs Assessment: Identifying specific needs and preferences of target communities through surveys, interviews, and participatory workshops.
    Design and Development: Collaborating with technology experts, educators, and local stakeholders to design and create the portable library boxes, including both physical books and digital content accessible through low-tech devices.
    Implementation: Rolling out the libraries to selected communities, with training and support to ensure effective utilization.
    Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitoring usage, conducting regular feedback sessions with community members, and evaluating the impact through both qualitative and quantitative methods.
    Dissemination and Scaling: Sharing the findings, methodologies, and best practices with relevant stakeholders and exploring possibilities for scaling the initiative to other regions.
    This research project actively seeks collaboration with local communities, educational institutions, governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations, and private-sector partners. It also involves engaging undergraduate assistants from various academic disciplines, as highlighted earlier.

    Stories from the Field:
    Integrating personal experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer, the project will include a unique "Stories from the Field" section. This section will feature anecdotal evidence and real-life insights into the challenges and triumphs faced in implementing educational and community-building initiatives in underserved regions.

    The "Library in a Box" initiative is not just a library project; it's a comprehensive approach to education, community engagement, and empowerment, designed to resonate with diverse cultures and contexts. By providing access to information and encouraging local ownership, it aims to spark creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning within communities that need it most.
  please_add_any_additional_information_here: |-
    I am excited to invite you to participate in the "Library in a Box" initiative, a groundbreaking project aimed at promoting literacy and resource accessibility, particularly through children's literature from a cultural lens. If you are passionate about literature, community engagement, and making a tangible impact, this opportunity may be just for you!

    Here's what you can expect from being part of this initiative:

    Interest in Children's Literature: A focus on children's literature reflecting diverse cultures and backgrounds. Your passion for these works will be central to our project's success.

    Community Engagement Experience: Opportunities to engage with communities through events, workshops, and storytelling sessions that celebrate cultural richness.

    Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaboration across various fields, providing a rich interdisciplinary experience.

    Research Opportunities: Involvement in valuable research activities, including potential publication or conference presentations.

    Skills Development: Enhance your skills in project management, communication, problem-solving, cultural competence, and empathy.

    Mentorship and Support: Benefit from an inclusive and nurturing learning environment, aligned with a mentoring philosophy that recognizes the unique value of mentorship, particularly for underrepresented groups.

    Potential for Academic Credit: Explore opportunities for receiving academic credit through your participation.

    Long-term Impact: Contribute to a project with tangible and lasting effects on underserved communities.

    Flexible Participation: Options for participation that consider your diverse needs and schedules.

    Love for Children's Literature: A heartfelt connection to children's literature is essential, as our project heavily focuses on children's literature from a cultural perspective.

    Your involvement in the "Library in a Box" initiative will not only contribute to a meaningful cause but also provide you with enriching personal and professional growth opportunities. If this aligns with your interests and goals, I encourage you to reach out to (contact information) to learn more or apply.

    Looking forward to potentially working with you on this exciting initiative!
  please_provide_a_link_to_your_publications_a_video_clip_or_a_web: N/A
  please_select_the_choice_that_most_accurately_describes_your_exp: 'Fully Remote'
  please_select_the_location_of_your_project_: 'On FSU Main Campus'
  position_availability_for_student_research: 'Flexible schedule'
  position_title: 'Graduate Student'
  primary_research_mentor_name: 'Vashalice Kaaba '
  project_keywords: 'Literacy, Libraries, Access, Equity, Library, '
  relevant_student_major_s_: |-
    Primary Majors: Information Technology, English Literature, Sociology, Education, Library and Information Science, Literature, Media, and Culture

    Secondary Majors: Graphic Design, Open to all majors, but overall must have a love for literature, especially children's literature for multicultural populations.
  research_mentor_preferred_pronoun2: ''
  research_mentor_pronouns: She/Her/Hers
  research_mentor_supervisor_if_different_from_above_: ''
  research_tasks_for_student_research_assistant_s_: |
    1. Literature Review and Background Research:
    Assisting in gathering and reviewing existing literature on similar initiatives, community libraries, digital literacy, and educational access.
    Summarizing findings and identifying gaps where the initiative could provide novel insights.
    2. Community Needs Assessment:
    Helping in designing and conducting surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand community needs.
    Analyzing data and summarizing findings to inform the design and content of the library boxes.
    3. Content Curation and Development:
    Collaborating with team members to identify, collect, and organize suitable physical and digital resources.
    Assisting in the creation of low-tech digital content, adapted for the specific target communities.
    4. Outreach and Communication:
    Helping in the creation of promotional and informational materials, including presentations, brochures, and social media content.
    Engaging with stakeholders to foster support and collaboration.
    5. Technical Support:
    Depending on the specific skills and majors of the assistants, they may also contribute to the technical development of the library boxes, including software and hardware components suitable for low-tech environments.
  roundtable_times_and_zoom_links: |-
    First Time Slot: Sep 5-8, 2023 (Daily); 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM EST; Zoom Link: https://fsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kfuGurTkvH9DJW9gOHtnfo0AN6j8Abywq 

    Second Time Slot: Sep 5-8, 2023 (Daily); 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM EST; Zoom Link: https://fsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUod-GgrTsqGdZtOmhC1wQQONeWwzpQYjGC 
  skills_that_research_assistants_may_need_: |-
    Required Skills:

    Research Skills: Literature review, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

    Communication Skills: Strong written and verbal communication to liaise with team members, stakeholders, and community participants.

    Organizational Skills:Ability to manage tasks, timelines, and coordinate various project components.
    Basic Computer Skills:Familiarity with standard office software, internet searches, and email communication.

    Cultural Sensitivity: Awareness and respect for the diverse cultural contexts and needs of the communities involved.

    Teamwork and Collaboration: Ability to work effectively with others in a collaborative environment.

    Recommended Skills:
    Statistical Analysis Skills: Familiarity with statistical software and methods (e.g., SPSS, Excel) for data analysis (especially useful for community needs assessment).
    Content Creation Skills: Experience in creating or curating educational content, both digital and physical (especially valuable for content curation and development).

    Technical Skills: Knowledge of low-tech digital solutions, hardware, or software development (useful for technical support and implementation).

    Community Engagement Skills: Previous experience in community work, outreach, or education (valuable for implementation and support).

    Project Management Skills: Experience in managing or coordinating projects (helpful for overall coordination and organization).

    Multilingual Skills: Ability to speak the language(s) of the target communities (useful for community engagement and needs assessment).

    Design Skills: Graphic design or user experience design skills (helpful for creating promotional and informational materials).
  title_of_the_project: 'Building the ''Library in a Box'': Collaborative Learning, Literacy, Technology, and Cultural Exploration – A Call for Undergraduate Innovators'
  update_url: 'https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?element_parents=elements/research_mentor_information/headshot_optional_&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&token=wpP_hO8HLUsbg5QYW6_fppio-gHq5dfgPxvQino8SnA'
  urop_performance_evaluation: '1'
  urop_poster_presentation: '1'
  when_potential_research_assistants_are_reaching_out_via_email_2: ''
  when_potential_research_assistants_are_reaching_out_via_email_wh: ''
  when_students_are_reaching_out_via_email_what_is_your_preferreda: 'Mrs. '
  would_you_like_to_participate_in_the_urop_research_mentor_roundt: 'Yes'
  year: '2023'