UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #329

Submission information
Submission Number: 329
Submission ID: 7891
Submission UUID: fe143536-f57e-41e9-9040-5b66d48ffded

Created: Tue, 06/13/2023 - 04:09 PM
Completed: Tue, 06/13/2023 - 04:09 PM
Changed: Thu, 09/21/2023 - 10:24 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Research Mentor Information
Primary Research Mentor Name: Lyds Sherman
Research Mentor Preferred Pronouns: He/They
When potential research assistants are reaching out via email, what is your preferred honorific?: {Empty}
Contact Email (FSU Email if affiliated): LS21@fsu.edu
Position Title: Graduate Student
Faculty Advisor Name: {Empty}
Faculty Advisor's FSU Email: {Empty}
FSU College (if applicable): Social Sciences and Public Policy
FSU Department or Non-FSU Organization Affiliation: College of Education Counseling and School Psychology
Headshot (optional): {Empty}

Additional Research Mentor(s)
Research Assistant Supervisor (if different from above): {Empty}
Research Assistant Supervisor Preferred Pronouns: {Empty}
Research Assistant Supervisor Preferred Honorific?: {Empty}
Contact Email (FSU Email if affiliated): {Empty}
Name of Other Faculty/Collaborator(s) (if applicable): {Empty}
Other Faculty/Collaborator(s) Preferred Pronouns: {Empty}
Other Faculty/Collaborator(s) Preferred Honorific?: {Empty}
Contact Email (FSU Email if affiliated): {Empty}

Overall Project Details
Title of the Project: The Impact of Microaggressions Through the Usage of Cannabis Among Transgender Individuals Through a Biopsychosocial Lens
Project Keywords: Psychology Transgender Diversity Intersectionality Microaggressions
Are you currently looking for research assistants?: Yes
Number of Research Assistants Needed : 2
Relevant Research Assistant Major(s):
Open to all majors

Project Location:: On FSU Main Campus
If the project location is off campus, does the research assistant(s) need to provide their own transportation?: No, the project is remote
Please select the choice that most accurately describes your expectations for the research assistant(s):: Fully Remote
Approximately how many hours a week would the research assistant(s) need to work?: 5-10
Roughly what time frame do you expect research assistant(s) to work?: Flexible schedule (Combination of business and outside of business. TBD between student and research mentor.)
Overall Research Project Description:
The present research project entails a quantitative investigation that centers on examining the utilization of cannabis among individuals who are transgender as a coping mechanism in the face of microaggressions. The study aims to elucidate the role of cannabis in addressing the psychological impact of microaggressions experienced by transgender individuals. At this stage, data collection is underway, providing a prime opportunity for aspiring undergraduate students to contribute as research assistants.

The primary objective of this project is to offer undergraduate students a rich learning experience by engaging them in various aspects of the research process. Through active involvement, students will acquire practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the field of quantitative research, particularly concerning the intersection of cannabis use, transgender identities, and the coping mechanisms employed to manage microaggressions.

As research assistants, students will be afforded several unique opportunities. These include active participation in research meetings, which serve as a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange among team members. Attendance at these meetings will enhance students' understanding of project objectives, research methodology, and data collection protocols.

Moreover, students will be actively involved in data analysis, employing appropriate statistical techniques to discern patterns and associations within the gathered data. This hands-on experience will not only strengthen their quantitative research skills but also enhance their understanding of data interpretation and the application of statistical software.

In addition to data analysis, students will engage in a comprehensive literature review, exploring existing scholarly works on the interplay between cannabis use, transgender experiences, and coping strategies employed in response to microaggressions. This exercise will foster a comprehensive understanding of the relevant research landscape and provide a foundation for producing a scholarly review summarizing the current state of knowledge in the field.

Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to present their findings at conferences, affording them exposure to the wider academic community and facilitating the dissemination of research outcomes. These opportunities for conference attendance and presentation provide a platform for students to refine their communication and presentation skills while receiving valuable feedback from experts in the field.

Throughout the project, students will benefit from close supervision and mentoring, providing guidance and support in their research endeavors. The supervisory team will offer regular feedback, assisting students in their academic and professional development, ensuring a fruitful and enriching research experience.

Overall, this project presents an exceptional opportunity for undergraduate students to contribute to a quantitative study examining the utilization of cannabis in transgender individuals as a mechanism for coping with microaggressions. Through active engagement in research activities, attendance at meetings, data analysis, literature review, conference participation, and dedicated supervision, students will acquire valuable skills and knowledge in quantitative research and contribute to the advancement of scholarly understanding in this domain.

Research Tasks:
Literature review: Conducting a comprehensive review of relevant scholarly literature on the utilization of cannabis in individuals who are transgender as a coping mechanism for microaggressions. This includes identifying key theories, concepts, and previous research studies in the field.

Data analysis: Engaging in quantitative data analysis to examine the relationship between cannabis use and coping with microaggressions among transgender individuals. This may involve utilizing statistical software to analyze collected data, interpreting findings, and identifying meaningful patterns or associations.

Data collection: Assisting in the process of gathering data, which may include reviewing surveys or questionnaires, collecting other relevant data points. This involves ensuring ethical considerations, maintaining confidentiality, and adhering to research protocols.

Assisting with conference presentations/proposals: Collaborating with the research team to develop conference presentations or proposals based on the study's findings. This may involve preparing visual materials, summarizing key findings, and contributing to the overall presentation or proposal writing process.

Research methodology: Familiarizing oneself with the specific research methods used in the project, such as survey design, or sampling techniques, depending on the nature of the study.

Research team collaboration: Actively participating in research team meetings, discussions, and collaborative activities to contribute insights, share progress, and exchange ideas with fellow researchers.

Scholarly writing: Engaging in academic writing tasks such as taking research notes, contributing to scholarly articles, or synthesizing literature review findings into a coherent written format.

Skills that research assistant(s) may need::
Research Skills: Familiarity with research methodologies, literature reviews, data collection, and analysis techniques.
Computer Literacy: Proficiency in using relevant software tools for data analysis, statistical analysis, and literature review (e.g., SPSS, Excel, EndNote).
Statistical Analysis: Familiarity with basic statistical concepts and the ability to perform data analysis using statistical software.

Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze information, evaluate sources, and draw logical conclusions.
Communication Skills: Effective written and verbal communication skills to convey ideas, present findings, and collaborate with team members.
Organization and Time Management: The ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and manage multiple responsibilities.
Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail to ensure accuracy in data collection, transcription, and analysis.
Problem-Solving: The capacity to identify and address challenges that may arise during the research process.
Ethical Awareness: Understanding and adherence to research ethics, including confidentiality, informed consent, and protection of participants' rights.
Adaptability: Willingness to learn new skills, adapt to changing research needs, and embrace diverse perspectives.
Writing and Presentation Skills: Proficiency in writing research reports, academic papers, and delivering presentations.
Interpersonal Skills: The ability to establish professional relationships, communicate effectively with researchers, and demonstrate professionalism and respect.
Initiative and Independence: Taking ownership of assigned tasks, demonstrating proactive engagement, and seeking opportunities to contribute beyond assigned responsibilities.
Curiosity and a Growth Mindset: Demonstrating a passion for learning, seeking knowledge, and being open to new ideas and perspectives.

Mentoring Philosophy:
My mentoring philosophy in the realm of transgender psychology emphasizes the provision of comprehensive guidance and support within an academic context. I aim to create a secure and inclusive learning environment that fosters open dialogue and critical thinking. To ensure academic integrity, I rely on evidence-based research and current scholarly literature to inform discussions. This allows mentees to gain a thorough understanding of the psychological dimensions associated with transgender identities, experiences, and mental health.
Promoting empathy and respect is fundamental to my approach. I strive to cultivate an environment free from judgment or discrimination, where individuals feel supported as they explore the topic. By establishing a strong mentor-mentee relationship, I provide guidance and resources to facilitate personal and intellectual growth.
Recognizing the diversity within the transgender community, I emphasize an intersectional lens. This involves examining how gender identity intersects with race, ethnicity, sexuality, and socioeconomic status. By adopting this approach, I shed light on the diverse challenges and experiences faced by transgender individuals.
Self-reflection and self-awareness are important aspects of navigating transgender topics. It is crucial to critically examine personal biases and assumptions to develop a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of transgender individuals.
In summary, my mentoring philosophy prioritizes an inclusive and respectful space for exploring transgender psychology. I adhere to academic rigor, foster empathy, and encourage open dialogue. By providing guidance rooted in evidence-based research, I aim to support mentees in their personal and intellectual growth while promoting understanding and appreciation for transgender individuals and their experiences.

Please provide a link to your publications, a video clip, or a website for your research project (if applicable):: {Empty}
Please add any additional information here (if applicable)::
Additionally, as part of the involvement in the research project, undergraduate students will have the unique opportunity to learn and engage with qualitative research methodologies. While the project primarily focuses on quantitative analysis, students will be encouraged to explore the qualitative aspects of the study. They will have the chance to delve into qualitative data collection methods, allowing for a more in-depth understanding of the experiences, perspectives, and nuances related to transgender individuals. Through this exposure to qualitative research, students will develop a broader skill set, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative approaches, thereby enhancing their overall research capabilities and fostering a well-rounded understanding of research methodologies within the field of psychology relating to transgender individuals, intersectionality, and other diversity topics.

Roundtable times and Zoom links:
Tuesday September 5, and Friday September 8, from 5PM - 8PM.


UROP Program Elements
Mentor Handbook, FAQs, and Communication: Yes
UROP Performance Evaluation: Yes
Materials Grant: Yes
UROP Poster Presentation: Yes
Faculty Advisor Confirmation: {Empty}

Are you interested in attending in a UROP Research Mentor Workshop Series?: {Empty}
Year: 2023
update url: https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=mXRK-sApvFiwV86Mt9Ej34BR1BPc0cwdnyeXRSMGC7M