UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #484

Submission information
Submission Number: 484
Submission ID: 8691
Submission UUID: e053c298-6cbc-4dc6-87c0-ce80bccc8370

Created: Fri, 08/18/2023 - 12:28 PM
Completed: Fri, 08/18/2023 - 12:28 PM
Changed: Thu, 10/05/2023 - 10:19 AM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
serial: '484'
sid: '8691'
uuid: e053c298-6cbc-4dc6-87c0-ce80bccc8370
uri: /urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal
created: '1692376132'
completed: '1692376132'
changed: '1696515548'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '0'
langcode: en
webform_id: urop_project_proposal_portal
entity_type: node
entity_id: '1116'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
  approximately_how_many_hours_a_week_would_the_research_assistant: 5-7
  are_you_currently_looking_for_students_: 'No'
  confirmation_1: '1'
  contact_email_fsu_email: ''
  contact_email_fsu_email2: wbutler@fsu.edu
  contact_email_fsu_email_if_affiliated_: amilordis@fsu.edu
  fsu_college: 'Social Sciences and Public Policy'
  fsu_department_if_applicable_: 'Florida State University Department of Urban and Regional Planning'
  headshot_optional_: ''
  if_the_project_location_is_off_campus_does_the_student_need_to_p: 'No'
  mentoring_philosophy: 'My mentoring philosophy is based on understanding individuals and supporting their strengths, while providing honest feedback, and an open collaborative environment. I believe creating a safe environment to ask questions and foster honest communication is extremely valuable to the research process and to the success of a mentorship program. I believe it is important for mentees to be able feel comfortable asking questions about research goals, actions, and process. I also believe it is important to set clear goals and objectives with step-by-step processes to complete those goals. A good mentor takes interest in their mentees’ experiences, perspectives, and interests to foster a relationship that is both educational and productive. By sharing experiences and providing real world examples a mentor can provide valuable insight into both failures and successes to help mentees in their decision-making process. '
  mentor_handbook_and_faqs: '1'
  name_of_other_faculty_collaborator_if_applicable_: 'William Hale Butler'
  number_of_assistants_needed_faculty_postdoc_max_6_graduate_stude: '2'
  other_faculty_collaborator_s_preferred_pronouns: He/Him
  overall_research_project_description: |2+
     As sea level rise increases the frequency of coastal flooding, individuals may seek residence in areas of a city that are less flood prone. Increases in the frequency of coastal flooding has already increased the land values of areas that are at higher elevation and are less prone to flooding. As land values and development pressures increase, current residents may feel pressure to leave the neighborhood, and in the process losing their community and home. These pressures can be felt more strongly by lower income individuals in a process of neighborhood change known as climate gentrification. 

    Through previous studies the low-income and high elevation neighborhood of South St. Petersburg as been identified as being vulnerable to potential gentrification pressures. This study seeks to understand how the neighborhood of South St. Petersburg is preparing for this incoming pressure with the goal of increasing neighborhood stabilization and resiliency. 

    Research Question: To what extent is concern about climate change related gentrification impacts a motivator for planning activity in a low-income climate receiving community? 

    Methodology: This study is mixture of grounded theory. case study and exploratory. Through interviews with local officials, city planners, and community leaders this study seeks to understand how the threat of climate gentrification is motivating urban planning activity and how local leaders are responding to this threat. The interview sampling procedure will start with several key actors to understand the context of how climate change is integrated into planning, policies, initiatives, programs, and projects in the neighborhood, particularly in relation to maintaining affordable housing. 

  please_add_any_additional_information_here: ''
  please_provide_a_link_to_your_publications_a_video_clip_or_a_web: 'https://lci.fsu.edu//wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2022/02/Butler-Jackson-Holmes-et-al.-2021-Final-LCI-Report-Climate-Gentrification-Updated-min.pdf'
  please_select_the_choice_that_most_accurately_describes_your_exp: 'Fully Remote'
  please_select_the_location_of_your_project_: 'On FSU Main Campus'
  position_availability_for_student_research: 'Flexible schedule'
  position_title: 'Graduate Student'
  primary_research_mentor_name: 'Anthony Milordis'
  project_keywords: 'Climate Change, Gentrification, Climate Adaptation, Housing, Resiliency'
  relevant_student_major_s_: |-
    Social Sciences, including:
    Political science, 
    Interdisciplinary social sciences
    Environment and society
  research_mentor_preferred_pronoun2: ''
  research_mentor_pronouns: He/Him
  research_mentor_supervisor_if_different_from_above_: ''
  research_tasks_for_student_research_assistant_s_: |-
    Research tasks can include: 
    Literature Review
    Scheduling Interviews
    Assisting with Interviews and Interview Transcription
    Data Analysis through coding interview data into categories and identifying themes
  roundtable_times_and_zoom_links: ''
  skills_that_research_assistants_may_need_: 'Required: Access to a computer, ability to use Microsoft word and excel and the ability to use Zoom video conferencing software. '
  title_of_the_project: 'How Cities are Preparing for Climate Gentrification: A case study of the South St Petersburg Neighborhood'
  update_url: 'https://cre.fsu.edu/urop-research-mentor-project-submission-portal?token=0J5nt7cpJBGowg3q7JfV8vRyguZ1aCra88SwvzgouIc'
  urop_performance_evaluation: '1'
  urop_poster_presentation: '1'
  when_potential_research_assistants_are_reaching_out_via_email_2: ''
  when_potential_research_assistants_are_reaching_out_via_email_wh: 'Dr. '
  when_students_are_reaching_out_via_email_what_is_your_preferreda: 'Mr. '
  would_you_like_to_participate_in_the_urop_research_mentor_roundt: 'No'
  year: '2023'