UROP Research Mentor Project Submission Portal: Submission #477

Submission information
Submission Number: 477
Submission ID: 8656
Submission UUID: 3ecf990e-6012-4069-83a7-72fc36d92652

Created: Thu, 08/17/2023 - 09:31 PM
Completed: Thu, 08/17/2023 - 09:31 PM
Changed: Thu, 10/05/2023 - 12:33 PM

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Research Mentor Information

Bryan Quaife
Arts and Sciences
Scientific Computing

Additional Research Mentor(s)


Overall Project Details

Simulating and Analyzing Wildland Fire Spread
Fire spread, computing, statistical analysis
Scientific Computing, Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics
On FSU Main Campus
During business hours
The propagation of wildland fires is a complex process that couples fuels, topography, and atmosphere conditions. One way to understand the spread is to employ computer simulations that model the different processes. However, all models include assumptions about the physics and parameter values, influencing the simulated data. It is critical to understand the relationships between these model choices and the simulations.

The project will start with learning to run a simplified Matlab fire spread code. Once the student is comfortable with executing the code, they will apply statistical methods to analyze individual simulations and ensembles of simulations. This will require running large numbers of simulations and developing code to perform the statistical analysis. Finally, the student will potentially incorporate additional physics into the fire spread model such as different fuel and plume models. There is also potential that small-scale measurements of fire spread will be made in the field.
Perform computational experiments
Develop code
Statistically analyze results
Computing in Matlab or Python (required)
Basic statistics (required)
I work closely with students and dedicate an hour each week in a one-on-one meeting. Additional meetings are possible with enough notice. There are also group meetings with other fire science students and faculty that will occur bi-weekly that a student should attend. At this meeting, they will be exposed to other students' research, and they will be able to share their work with the group.

UROP Program Elements
